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The latest news from East Point Rotary

Assisting with an innovative Bike Library pilot scheme

The Lowestoft East Point Rotary Club were pleased to assist the Phoenix St.Peter Academy with an innovative Bike Library pilot scheme for all year 5 and 6 pupils. The scheme has been driven forward by the school’s Deputy Head Teacher, Teresa Freeman. The scheme...

£1000 raised for The Wish List Bikers Charity

The Rotary Club of Lowestoft East Point held its annual charity quiz last week.   We are pleased to report that a sum of £994.41 was raised on the night for The Wish List Bikers Charity which the Club will round up to £1000.   This was in no small part due to the...

Dictionaries for local primary schools

Members of the 3 Lowestoft Rotary Clubs assembled this week to label up the hundreds of Usborne Illustrated English Dictionaries which are due to be presented to Year 3 pupils in participating schools across the town in September. The scheme, aimed at improving...

Lowestoft East Point Rotary Annual Handover

Lowestoft East Point Rotary recently held their handover which saw Rotarian Ian Davies installed as President for the year 2023/2024 and Rotarian Paul Wilkinson as President Elect for the following year. The handover dinner was attended by over 40 members and guests...

East Point Rotary Tree Planting Project

On Monday 26th February, some hardy members of Lowestoft East Point Rotary Club braved the cold weather to complete phase one of a tree planting project at Carlton Meadow Park as part of a Rotary International project to plant a tree for every Rotary member. Under the...

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The Fleet’s In Port

  Members of the Royal Navy's Presentation Team were guest speakers at the Rotary Club of Lowestoft East Point on 6th February 2018. Lieutenant Kelly Jenkins-Hill, Royal Marine Lance Corporal Matthew McGrath and Leading Hand Peter Smith travelled from Portsmouth...

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The Annual Ron Sampson Charity Cycle Ride 2017

Sincere thanks to Steve James and Jon Doran for organising everything. Thanks to all those members and partners who marshalled, registered, catered or helped in any way at all. They are Lee Pullum, Nanna Lay, Hazel Johnson, Annette Stringer, Claire Guppy, John...

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Interested in making a difference?

Are you interested to find out more about Rotary and what we do?
If working together with a great bunch of people in a fun and friendly, social environment to help others sounds like something you’d like to be involved in, then simply click the button below and submit the simple form. One of our Club Officers will call or email you with some further information and tell how you can get involved.

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Red Hot Media & Nettl of Lowestoft

Lowestoft based Graphic Design, Website Design and Full Colour Printing working for clients across East Anglia and throughout the UK.

Logo design, business cards, stationery, brochures, flyers and leaflets, posters, websites, SEO, exhibition stands and branded giveaways.