EACH is the Runaway Winner in Rotary Race Night with Matched Funding from the Santa Sleigh

The Rotary Club of Lowestoft East Point recently held a Race Night in support of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH). With generous sponsorship from local companies and enthusiastic betting on the night, the Club managed to raise a sum of £2000.
Not content with this, East Point Rotary matched the sum raised with some of the monies collected from last year’s Santa Sleigh collection, enabling a donation of £4,000 to be handed over to Ellie Miller from EACH who said she was “blown away by the generosity” of the Club.
Ellie said that the donation will fund a bespoke shower chair, like the one pictured, for the older children at The Nook Hospice in Framingham Earl to help with bathing as well as supporting families across East Anglia in accessing vital care and support in their hour of need.
Ellie is pictured with Paul Wilkinson, President of East Point Rotary Club and one of the race sponsors, Clive Robinson, from Insurelink (East Anglia) Ltd.
President Paul, said “the Race Night had been a tremendous success, and the Club were delighted to be able to match the amount raised to produce such a meaningful total.”
He also said “I am delighted to announce that the Rotary Club of Lowestoft East Point Santa Sleigh will once again be out and about this December as well as having a presence at ASDA. Dates and routes will soon appear on the Club’s Website and Facebook Page.”
As always, volunteers are needed to make the Santa Sleigh campaign a success and if there are any organisations or individuals willing to lend a hand with the collections, the Club would be pleased to hear from you.
For insurance purposes, all helpers need to be aged 18 or over.
If you are interested, please contact Club President Paul, on 07707748101 or paul.wilk53@btinternet.com

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